Friday, April 25, 2014

Blog 9

I've been really procrastinating on my 20% project. I haven't watched any new movies lately. I guess I've been focused more on school sorh studying and doing homework, because the end of year is right around the corner and I need to get good grades in order to get my 4.0 this year again. School has me so stressed out that I have left my 20% project off to the side. Which is going to later affect me when I do my presentation in class because I haven't really completed everything I was supposed to do. I'm going to get back on track on watching movies to actually write movie reviews on them. I have to be a bit more organized with this project. I feel like I'm all over the place. I also have to start thinking of creating creative ways to do my presentation to catch my class attention..Well since I haven't watched the orphan I'm planning to watch that movie next week.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Blog 8: Cesar Chavez

Cesar Chavez is a person who changed civil rights for people. He was a leader, labor organizer. father, and husband. Chavez fought for the people who worked in the fields to be paid and treated better. Throughout the movie you see how Chavez fought this movement without violence. It was truly inspiring on how he did everything to change the conditions for the field workers. He inspired many Americans to show that no matter what you can change any social justice. This movie touched my heart, and made me tear up towards the end. It showed the struggle Chavez went through while trying to make a change. He went through a lot and surely deserved this movie to show everyone the movement he did. Not only did he help all the farm laborers but he also made a big change in history. I really liked the movie on how it showed the lives of the field workers to all the struggles everyone went through.
I'd rate this movie a B+